work life balance

Syncing Work Cycles and Rhythms: A Blueprint for Dodging Burnout

Do you find yourself constantly in motion, striving to accomplish more and more, with the belief that completing just one more task will bring relief or solve all challenges? If so, you're not alone. Many professionals are ensnared in unsustainable and often toxic productivity cycles.

During this call, Chelsea will delve into:
✅ Examination of prevailing productivity patterns and behaviors.

✅ Introduction of a transformative productivity cycle.

✅ Exploration of how transitioning to this new paradigm can cultivate heightened energy, creativity, resilience, and passion in your work endeavors.




Additional Resources

"How to Gain Control of Your Free Time" by Laura Vanderkam: In this TED Talk, Vanderkam discusses how to manage time effectively and make choices that align with your values, rather than just trying to do more.

"What is Toxic Productivity & How to Break Free" by Natalia Rossingol - The article from Runn discusses toxic productivity as an excessive focus on constant work at the expense of well-being, explaining its risks and offering strategies like setting boundaries and prioritizing tasks to maintain a healthy work-life balance and avoid burnout.

"How to Achieve More with Less Effort" by James Clear - In this Medium article by James Clear, "How to Achieve More with Less Effort," discusses strategies for increasing productivity by focusing on high-leverage activities, prioritizing impactful tasks, simplifying approaches, and setting clear goals to optimize results efficiently.

"Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less" by Greg McKeown - This book emphasizes focusing on what is essential and eliminating the non-essential to improve productivity and lead a more purposeful life.

"The Power of Full Engagement: Managing Energy, Not Time, Is the Key to High Performance and Personal Renewal" by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz - This book focuses on managing energy to enhance productivity and overall well-being.

"The Happy Secret to Better Work" by Shawn Achor - In this TED Talk, Achor discusses the impact of happiness on productivity, suggesting a focus on well-being and positivity can lead to greater productivity.

EMPOWERSHIP Kick-Off + One Mindset Shift for 2024

This kick-off call shared everything you need to know about this year's program - logistics, calls, resources, PLUS we taught a lesson you don't want to miss - One Mind Shift that is Guaranteed to Bring More Power, Choice, and Joy into your 2024.

During this call, you’ll gain a clear understanding of what's to come in Empowership in 2024, highlighting what's new or changed for both new folks and our returning members.

Navigating Personal Hardships At Work (Yours and Those of Others)

This month’s call is with Christie Bishop, an Advertising & Marketing Executive, and host of the podcast, “What Nobody Tells Us.” Prior to starting her own Marketing Strategy consultancy firm in 2021, Christie spent nearly two decades in Executive roles leading North American and Global Strategic Planning teams both at agencies and in-house.

At home, Christie was (and continues to be) the primary caregiver for her husband, Bryan, through his ongoing treatment for brain cancer. During this call, we'll dive into how Christie's experiences have helped her support not only herself, but also her teams, colleagues and direct reports through personal hardships of their own. These tips are especially important, given they apply to personal situations that a lot of employees often hide from others.”

We'll cover:
What Personal Hardships are and the Impact They Can Have at WorkTools & Tips to Navigate Personal Hardship as:

✅ An Individual Employee (yourself)

✅ A Manager or Leader supporting a direct report or colleague

✅ A Colleague Supporting Another Colleague

Additional Resources

"How To Handle Personal Issues in the Workplace (Plus Tips)" (Indeed)

"What to Do When a Personal Crisis Is Hurting Your Professional Life" (Harvard Business Review)

”How to Keep Working During Personal Hardship” (Forbes)

Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy by Sheryl Sandberg and Adam Grant - This book discusses how to navigate personal hardships, including grief and loss, and find resilience and happiness.

The Tim Ferris Show (Podcast)


Public crisis and epidemic are words we're now seeing next to loneliness. Even prior to COVID-19, nearly half of U.S. adults reported experiencing loneliness. During this talk, Chelsea Szabo will explore loneliness with a fresh perspective.

You'll learn how to empower yourself to use loneliness as a springboard into a more connected and fulfilled life ... both in and out of the office. 


✅  The #1 thing most people don't realize is behind loneliness  
✅  The 3 crucial relationships you must invest in to fend off loneliness (everyone is currently in a relationship with these 3 things) 
✅  What fuels loneliness and how to stop feeding it 

Pop-Up: Being Flexible In Your Career with Colleen Okolski

In this Pop-Up Call Archive, we speak with Gigasavvy’s Beacon of Happiness (yes, that’s her title!), Colleen Okolski. Colleen shared her experience and thoughts on Being Flexible in Your Career and how learning how to be flexible has attributed to her success.

Pop-Up: Sacrificial Helping Syndrome with Katie Vernoy

Pop-Up: Sacrificial Helping Syndrome with Katie Vernoy

During this talk Katie shares:

  • How to set healthy boundaries

  • How to say “no” effectively and without guilt

  • How to maximize your time and energy, so you can increase your impact without burning out