tough conversations

Navigating Personal Hardships At Work (Yours and Those of Others)

This month’s call is with Christie Bishop, an Advertising & Marketing Executive, and host of the podcast, “What Nobody Tells Us.” Prior to starting her own Marketing Strategy consultancy firm in 2021, Christie spent nearly two decades in Executive roles leading North American and Global Strategic Planning teams both at agencies and in-house.

At home, Christie was (and continues to be) the primary caregiver for her husband, Bryan, through his ongoing treatment for brain cancer. During this call, we'll dive into how Christie's experiences have helped her support not only herself, but also her teams, colleagues and direct reports through personal hardships of their own. These tips are especially important, given they apply to personal situations that a lot of employees often hide from others.”

We'll cover:
What Personal Hardships are and the Impact They Can Have at WorkTools & Tips to Navigate Personal Hardship as:

✅ An Individual Employee (yourself)

✅ A Manager or Leader supporting a direct report or colleague

✅ A Colleague Supporting Another Colleague

Additional Resources

"How To Handle Personal Issues in the Workplace (Plus Tips)" (Indeed)

"What to Do When a Personal Crisis Is Hurting Your Professional Life" (Harvard Business Review)

”How to Keep Working During Personal Hardship” (Forbes)

Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy by Sheryl Sandberg and Adam Grant - This book discusses how to navigate personal hardships, including grief and loss, and find resilience and happiness.

The Tim Ferris Show (Podcast)

Moving from Conflict to Collaboration

During this call, Cecilia will teach the topic of Moving From Conflict to Collaboration. In this session, you'll learn about the dynamics of conflict and ways to better embrace our role in the situation and, ultimately, how to get to better collaboration at work.

You'll gain tools and messaging to better approach and solve situations where changes, personalities, or problems may cause things to get sticky.

✅  The Conflict Dynamic That Impedes Us at Work
✅  Steps to De-Escalate & Reduce Conflict
✅  A New View on Collaboration


Public crisis and epidemic are words we're now seeing next to loneliness. Even prior to COVID-19, nearly half of U.S. adults reported experiencing loneliness. During this talk, Chelsea Szabo will explore loneliness with a fresh perspective.

You'll learn how to empower yourself to use loneliness as a springboard into a more connected and fulfilled life ... both in and out of the office. 


✅  The #1 thing most people don't realize is behind loneliness  
✅  The 3 crucial relationships you must invest in to fend off loneliness (everyone is currently in a relationship with these 3 things) 
✅  What fuels loneliness and how to stop feeding it 

Back Pocket Confidence

Confidence is a key component of workplace success. When we feel confident, we present, speak, and act in ways that are most effective and make an impact. 
During this session, Chelsea Szabo, co-founder of Empowership, provided a mental model for confidence and powerful tools and insights to navigate that model to bring more workplace success. 

Teaching Points:

✅ What Confidence Really Is
✅ The 3 Types of Confidence
✅ Tips to Boost All 3 Types of Confidence

Breaking Barriers to Communication

Barriers to communication can arise all throughout the workplace: between coworkers, in meetings, or with a boss or client. Societal stereotypes, assumed gender roles, and interpersonal differences can contribute to a communication gap in most any conversation. Recognizing the common barriers and having the insights and tools to overcome them is a great step towards improving communication at work.

In our December training call, Cecilia shared 3 barriers that may be limiting your communication ease and impact, plus provide ideas on how to best break down those hurdles at work.

You’ll learn:

✅ How internal wiring contributes to communication barriers

✅ Ways to audit communication to identify potential barriers

✅ Action steps to break through barriers and improve your communication impact

Ditching the Need to Please at Work

Is your workload unmanageable because you keep saying "yes"?
Do you lack "me time" because you're always giving time to everyone else?
Does "I'm sorry" constantly fly out of your mouth?
Do you feel on edge or anxious daily?
Is kindness your personal motto?

Or do you know someone like this?

Some employees contribute their career success to pleasing people, but it doesn't come without a cost. Whether you are a people pleaser or know someone like this, understanding the inner workings of this tendency -- and healthier ways to advance without it -- can be powerful.

During this call Chelsea:

✅ Helps you understand how people pleasing might be holding you back in your career.

✅ Shares how stopping people pleasing can increase productivity and engagement, and enhance relationships at work.

✅ Suggests ways to reduce the desire to people please -- and propose what to do instead.

  • How to reframe how to look at time management

  • Ways to align work style to productivity

  • Strategies on how to gain time and energy

Setting Healthy Boundaries with Confidence

During this call Chelsea leads a conversation with guest Stacè Middlebrooks, M.A., PCCC, CBC, and The Chief Empowership Officer of Purpose Powered Coaching + Consulting.

Together, they explore - Setting Healthy Boundaries with Confidence.

Setting boundaries can be difficult, especially if we are not used to doing it. Many of us are socialized to be always accessible and available for our work, our families, our friends, and our communities.

However, that does not have to be our norm. Setting healthy boundaries can be our ticket to freedom from all of that.


Safe to Speak Up: Closing the Gap Between What You Feel and What You Say

At the intersection of psychological safety and personal motivation lies a space where silence can lurk. For many reasons, people are inclined to keep their feelings to themselves at work rather than risk speaking up to address the issues driving the feelings.

In this training call, Cecilia uncovered the reasons we withhold our thoughts and feelings at work and share strategies to build up our “upward voice.” When we feel safe and empowered to communicate and contribute more readily, our mental and physical well-being improves, as well as our ability to affect change and growth in our careers.