2024 Recording

Syncing Work Cycles and Rhythms: A Blueprint for Dodging Burnout

Do you find yourself constantly in motion, striving to accomplish more and more, with the belief that completing just one more task will bring relief or solve all challenges? If so, you're not alone. Many professionals are ensnared in unsustainable and often toxic productivity cycles.

During this call, Chelsea will delve into:
✅ Examination of prevailing productivity patterns and behaviors.

✅ Introduction of a transformative productivity cycle.

✅ Exploration of how transitioning to this new paradigm can cultivate heightened energy, creativity, resilience, and passion in your work endeavors.




Additional Resources

"How to Gain Control of Your Free Time" by Laura Vanderkam: In this TED Talk, Vanderkam discusses how to manage time effectively and make choices that align with your values, rather than just trying to do more.

"What is Toxic Productivity & How to Break Free" by Natalia Rossingol - The article from Runn discusses toxic productivity as an excessive focus on constant work at the expense of well-being, explaining its risks and offering strategies like setting boundaries and prioritizing tasks to maintain a healthy work-life balance and avoid burnout.

"How to Achieve More with Less Effort" by James Clear - In this Medium article by James Clear, "How to Achieve More with Less Effort," discusses strategies for increasing productivity by focusing on high-leverage activities, prioritizing impactful tasks, simplifying approaches, and setting clear goals to optimize results efficiently.

"Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less" by Greg McKeown - This book emphasizes focusing on what is essential and eliminating the non-essential to improve productivity and lead a more purposeful life.

"The Power of Full Engagement: Managing Energy, Not Time, Is the Key to High Performance and Personal Renewal" by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz - This book focuses on managing energy to enhance productivity and overall well-being.

"The Happy Secret to Better Work" by Shawn Achor - In this TED Talk, Achor discusses the impact of happiness on productivity, suggesting a focus on well-being and positivity can lead to greater productivity.

Gratitude’s Powerful Impact on Your Work, Health and Well-Being

Deepti Gandhi, MD
Board Certified Family Medicine
Master Certified Physician Development Coach™

As a practicing physician for almost two decades, I have had the experience of working in a large managed care setting as well as in private practice. In the past, I too struggled with exhaustion, disillusionment, burnout and making time for self-care. I often felt over-extended at work and home. I constantly worried about my ability to be a present parent. It was ultimately my practice of gratitude journaling that led to much-needed inner work, self-awareness, and a transformation in my life.

As a physician treating patients, a human being, and curious observer of life, I am reminded daily that mindset is integral to health and well-being. My journey has inspired me to empower others in gaining clarity on their true purpose and developing the action steps needed to design a life aligned with it. I am very excited and honored to be of service to physicians, entrepreneurs and organizations seeking growth and development.


Additional Resources
Thanks! How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier by Dr. Robert A. Emmons - Delve into the science-backed benefits of gratitude (Book)

The Gratitude Diaries by Janice Kaplan, This podcast specifically focuses on gratitude and its effects on everyday life (Podcast)

Want to be happy? Be grateful by David Steindl-Rast - Learn how gratitude leads to true happiness (TED Talk)

The Mental Health Benefits of Gratitude by Nicole McDermott - Highlights the research-backed benefits of practicing gratitude. (Article: Forbes)

The Neuroscience of Gratitude and Effects on the Brain by Madhuleena Roy Chowdhury - Explains how gratitude affects our brain and overall health. (Article: Positive Psychology)

How Gratitude Changes You and Your Brain by Joshua Brown & Joel Wong - Discusses the psychological and neurological effects of gratitude practice. (Article: Greater Good Magazine)

Transforming the Voice of Your Inner Critic

Everyone has an inner critic. You get to decide how important of a role it plays in your life. During this call you'll learn to navigate the negative voice in your head in order to jump start your ability to better set boundaries, take risks, try new things, and share your needs and wants - all elements which are crucial to a fulfilling and successful career (and life).

During this call, Chelsea will cover:

✅ Spotting sneaky ways your inner critic rears its head into professional scenarios
✅ Shining the light on your inner guide and connecting deeper to it
✅ Tools to bridge the gap between your true intentions and the limitations/pressures imposed by self-doubt


Additional Resources

Mastering Your Inner Critic and 7 Other High Hurdles to Advancement by Susan Brady - This book offers first-hand advice for scaling the hurdles that prevent you from controlling that little voice. (Book)

Better Days: Taming Your Inner Critic by Neal Allen - In this book, Allen examines a critical aspect of the human psyche that often gets ignored - the superego. (Book)

To Defeat Your Inner Critic, Bring Your Inner Champion Out To Play by Sohee Jun - This article offers some tools to help you untangle yourself from the harsh ugliness that is the inner critic. (Article: Forbes)

Find Out Which Inner Critic Is Holding You Back And How To Subdue It by Shade Zahrai - This article introduces you to the five main critics and how to face each. (Article: Forbes)

How To Make Friends With Your Inner Critic by Lakeasha Sullivan - This article offers tips to quiet the harsh, judging inner voice. (Article: Washington Post)

Make Peace with Your Inner Critic with Tara Mohr - This podcast explains how to deal with self-doubt. (Podcast: Harvard Business Review)

Speaking Confidently When Put on the Sport

At some point at work, we’ve all likely experienced feeling anxious, ill-equipped, or off-kilter or when having to give a spur-of-the-moment answer or when expected to speak on the fly.

In this session called Speaking Confidently When Put on the Spot, Cecilia shared ideas to help you feel more comfortable responding and communicating in the moment, regardless of how prepared or eloquent you think you are.

Based on Matt Abrahams’ book, Think Faster, Talk Smarter, this session taught us that there is no right or wrong way to communicate. You’ll learn ideas on how to focus more on practice and preparation to help reduce stress and feel more confident when speaking spontaneously in front of others.

You’ll hear from Cecilia about:

✅ Secrets to Effective Communication
✅ Reframing Speaking Anxiety
✅ Getting Comfortable with Spontaneity


Additional Resources

How To Shine When You’re Put On The Spot by Matt Abrahams - This article suggests key strategies to successfully master the art of spontaneous speaking. (Article: Harvard Business Review)

Mastering Spontaneous Communication: Strategies for Speaking with Confidence by Kwame Christian - This article highlights practical advice for effectively managing spontaneous conversations. (Article: Forbes)

Expert Tips to Master The Art of 'Spontaneous Speaking' by Rodger Dean Duncan - This article shares tips and techniques to conquer spontaneous speaking. (Article: Forbes)

Be Better At Spontaneous Speaking by Matt Abrahams - This article offers some tools to prepare you to be ready for off-the-cuff conversations. (Article: Stanford Graduate School of Business)

Think Fast, Talk Smart with Matt Abrahams - This podcast provides the tools, techniques, and best practices to help you communicate more effectively. (Podcast)

EMPOWERSHIP Kick-Off + One Mindset Shift for 2024

This kick-off call shared everything you need to know about this year's program - logistics, calls, resources, PLUS we taught a lesson you don't want to miss - One Mind Shift that is Guaranteed to Bring More Power, Choice, and Joy into your 2024.

During this call, you’ll gain a clear understanding of what's to come in Empowership in 2024, highlighting what's new or changed for both new folks and our returning members.