Transforming the Voice of Your Inner Critic

Everyone has an inner critic. You get to decide how important of a role it plays in your life. During this call you'll learn to navigate the negative voice in your head in order to jump start your ability to better set boundaries, take risks, try new things, and share your needs and wants - all elements which are crucial to a fulfilling and successful career (and life).

During this call, Chelsea will cover:

✅ Spotting sneaky ways your inner critic rears its head into professional scenarios
✅ Shining the light on your inner guide and connecting deeper to it
✅ Tools to bridge the gap between your true intentions and the limitations/pressures imposed by self-doubt


Additional Resources

Mastering Your Inner Critic and 7 Other High Hurdles to Advancement by Susan Brady - This book offers first-hand advice for scaling the hurdles that prevent you from controlling that little voice. (Book)

Better Days: Taming Your Inner Critic by Neal Allen - In this book, Allen examines a critical aspect of the human psyche that often gets ignored - the superego. (Book)

To Defeat Your Inner Critic, Bring Your Inner Champion Out To Play by Sohee Jun - This article offers some tools to help you untangle yourself from the harsh ugliness that is the inner critic. (Article: Forbes)

Find Out Which Inner Critic Is Holding You Back And How To Subdue It by Shade Zahrai - This article introduces you to the five main critics and how to face each. (Article: Forbes)

How To Make Friends With Your Inner Critic by Lakeasha Sullivan - This article offers tips to quiet the harsh, judging inner voice. (Article: Washington Post)

Make Peace with Your Inner Critic with Tara Mohr - This podcast explains how to deal with self-doubt. (Podcast: Harvard Business Review)