Are you struggling under the weight of unrealistic expectations? It's time lighten up.

let's talk empowership podcast episode 4 unrealistic expectations

In this episode, we're talking about expectations.

You'll learn exactly what an expectation is and some common versions that most of us carry around with us.

We'll look at unrealistic expectation the negative emotions they create—than impact everything we do.

This episode will teach you the pitfalls of placing expectations on someone else and the importance of communication and appreciation.

In the end, you'll learn how to manage realistic and fantasy expectations, and how to flip your expectations to realistic goals.

Key take-aways:

“When your expectations start with another person’s name, you're going into some dangerous territory.”

“Control makes us feel safe.”

“When we have an expectation, we’re so fixated on that end result…”

“Once something goes off course, it usually stays off course.”

“Setting bars that are too high or unrealistic...our self-worth is jeopardized in that.”

“Is this based on any sort of reality or do I have a fantasy?”

“Expectations, they can serve as goals, they can serve as drivers and motivators.”

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