Reflection Pitfalls: Improving How You Look Back to Boost How You Move Forward

This month’s call is on the topic of Reflection Pitfalls: Improving How You Look Back to Boost How You Move Forward. Cecilia will share new ideas on how to reflect on 2023 in a way that serves your growth and optimism for the new year ahead.

The end of a year is a great time to reflect and a lot of people are doing so in a way that doesn’t serve them. On this call, we’ll learn common habits and pitfalls that you might be doing and gain new ways to extract lessons and learnings to better impact 2024.

We'll cover:
✅ 3 Common Reflection Practices and Why They May Not Work
✅ A New Model to Review Your Year
✅ Tips to Impact Your Work and Life in 2024

Additional Resources

"The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle - This book explores the importance of living in the present moment and the impact of reflection on personal growth. (Book)

"Atomic Habits" by James Clear - While not about reflection per se, it provides insights into building positive habits, which often involves reflection on one's behaviors. (Book)

"Making a New Year's Resolution? Don't Go to War With Yourself." Interview from The Atlantic discussing resilient goals and how "the difference between not doing anything at all and doing 10 minutes a few times a week is absolute." (Article)

"Stop Being So Hard on Yourself" from Harvard Business Review discussing how you can take a more balanced, emotionally equanimous approach to your performance. (Article)

"The Power of Mindfulness: What You Practice Grows Stronger" by Shauna Shapiro. Shauna Shapiro discusses the transformative power of mindfulness and how it can enhance self-reflection. (TED Talk)